Hills Robotics

(Former) Hills Engineering

With Corona! With all-round AI smart robot! ‘Guide Robot Hey-bot’

source : http://www.engjournal.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=1701

[Engineering Journal Reporter Kim Ha-nui] Due to the corona pandemic, the types of autonomous driving robots are diversifying around the world, and the speed of commercialization is getting faster. As the era of ‘with robot’ begins in earnest, robots are showing their presence in various fields, from service tasks such as guidance and serving, to hospitals and smart factories and logistics centers.

In this situation, self-driving disinfection & guide robots equipped with technological prowess in Korea are about to take off beyond the domestic market.

Hills Engineering, which was honored with the CES2021 Innovation Award for its self-driving quarantine robot ‘Corobot’, introduced a new autonomous driving robot lineup ‘Heybot’ and also won the Innovation Award at CES2022.

Heybot is a kiosk robot that Hills Engineering unveiled for the first time at this exhibition. It is an AI-based smart disinfection and guide robot that performs various roles for visitors in public places.

In places vulnerable to infectious diseases, such as convention centers, hospitals, government offices, shopping centers, and negative pressure wards, autonomous driving is performed based on the AI ​​engine, and disinfection and guidance are performed at the same time. Protecting people from the coronavirus pandemic, as well as providing services.

Unlike a typical kiosk robot, the characteristic of this robot is that its role is not limited to simple guidance. In particular, Hill’s Engineering has applied to Heybot by converging various quarantine-related functions it has accumulated over the years.

Through this, based on autonomous driving, guidance, and disinfection functions, it disinfects a specific area, effectively sterilizes viruses when guiding the way to a destination, and limits unnecessary social contact.

Heybot can measure body temperature through the faces of visitors or check whether they are wearing masks, and use voice guidance to induce non-masked visitors to wear masks. In addition, it is equipped with an air purifying function by installing an air circulator that sucks in the outside air, purifies it, and then discharges it.

Visitors can enter keywords on Heybot’s touch screen to get the information they want, and, if necessary, can ask Heybot to follow along and guide you.

Not only this. It is also possible to set a function so that the robot can perform tasks periodically by setting a specific time period, so it is expected that the industrial sites to be applied will be very diverse.

It is expected to be applicable to any place where people gather, such as exhibition halls, hospitals, nursing homes, fulfillment centers, and airports.

Hills Engineering is a specialized autonomous driving logistics robot company that operates an AI-based Robotics Lab. It developed ‘Artificial Intelligence-based autonomous driving corobot (Coro-bot)’ and achieved excellent results at CES2021, Hannover Messe 2021, MWC2021, and Red Dot Awards. It has been recognized for its technological prowess by winning the RoboWorld Award and the CES2022 award through Heybot, which was released this time, and is drawing attention from all over the world.

Hills Engineering will not stop at this, but will actively exchange with domestic and foreign companies and expand the market.

Therefore, we plan to actively promote it through tours and demonstrations of pilot sites such as domestic hospitals, schools, nursing facilities, and convention centers, and are currently promoting collaboration with quarantine companies and disinfectant manufacturers. In addition, targeting countries vulnerable to infectious diseases such as overseas corona, we are planning a business so that local agencies can respond 24 hours a day through service operation based on global bases.

Hills Engineering CEO Park Myung-gyu (pictured) said, “We will establish a differentiated support system such as remote monitoring, after-sales service, and 24-hour response service by linking RMS and SCS, our logistics robot operation management software.” “Technology Exhibition We plan to increase the name value of Hills Engineering in Korea based on its global competitiveness while focusing on promoting the brand of Hills Engineering in the global market through participation in , fairs, etc.” he said.

[source: http://www.engjournal.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=1701]

Hills Robotics

(Former) Hills Engineering

CEO : Park Myung-gyu | Business registration number : 384-87-01058 | hillsmaster@hillslogis.com
Tel : 070-7610-0016

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